Syntality™ and the Knowledge Generator™
What is the Knowledge Generator™ (KG)? It's a patented disruptor technology that is re-engineering the education and training markets. Using Syntality™ which is a "holistic approach to accelerated learning by actively doing." This is a classroom training method that empowers students to gain confidence in knowing that they can learn ANYTHING better and easier with more fun. The KG turns ANY textual content into a user's PERSONALIZED 'Gamification' Avatar interactive learning experience. The application is a revolutionary combination of DYNAMIC Real-Time microSelf-Learning, Training and Testing "all in one." This software system enables people to learn 32.3% better and up to 300% faster with 80% plus retention over traditional learning methods. It's as easy as copying and pasting YOUR content, and it will automatically create - your microSelf-Learning exercise. It will also provide tests when you engage with the content and show your scores and marks. NO teacher or course designer is required.
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More than 2.7 Million families are educating their children at home to provide better scholastic results, health and safety. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic more parents are seeking teaching tools to help them create exercises, tests and as their children engage with the content they will get automatic scores and recorded marks for parents or teachers to review. Mount Knowledge provides a Parent teaching assistant through it Knowledge Generator application. All a parent has to do is copy & paste the digital home work content into the KG and it will automatically generate exercises, test, scores and marks when the student engages with the content. With another click a different set of exercises, tests will be generate from the same pages. No student gets the same exercise from the same content. - It's DYNAMIC! -
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